
Thank you for the thousands of emails in support of the original translations of Japanese Twitter accounts of the March 11th quake on my Facebook note, "Japan Quake as Seen from Twitter". Now, together with ten classmates and friends in the University of Cambridge, I have launched this blog to continue translating the voices of the Japanese people on their road to recovery.
- Jun Shiomitsu -

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Prayer for Japan ... One year on

The people of Japan have made a stunning recover, one year on from the tragic earthquake and tsunami that devastated its Tohoku area coastline on March 11th, 2011.  However, there is still much that needs praying for ... cities to rebuild, people to encourage, nuclear issues to resolve, and, last but not least, souls to save.

During the next few days, Voices From Japan will once again translate tweets of the people on the ground, giving you the human side of the story that headlines may not be able to.  Please stay tuned.

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