
Thank you for the thousands of emails in support of the original translations of Japanese Twitter accounts of the March 11th quake on my Facebook note, "Japan Quake as Seen from Twitter". Now, together with ten classmates and friends in the University of Cambridge, I have launched this blog to continue translating the voices of the Japanese people on their road to recovery.
- Jun Shiomitsu -

Friday, March 11, 2011

Children Under the Table

As the quake hit, the little schoolchildren dived under the tables, and despite the terrifying circumstances were calmly encouraging each other by shouting back and forth “Are you okay!?” or “YES, we’re all here, we’re OK!!” As I looked around the shaking classroom and well-trained schoolchildren, I was satisfied that my hard work this year had indeed born fruit. Only 6 more days till the end of school year ... my upcoming transfer to another school ... a bittersweet moment.


地震の瞬間、あの恐怖の中、机の下に潜った子ども達が、 「~大丈夫か!?」 「みんないるから、大丈夫だよ!」 と口々に励まし合っている姿は、この一年間自分がやってきたことが、それなりに間違いではなかったことを実感できた。 後、6日でクラスも解散。 異動。 色々切ない季節。

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