
Thank you for the thousands of emails in support of the original translations of Japanese Twitter accounts of the March 11th quake on my Facebook note, "Japan Quake as Seen from Twitter". Now, together with ten classmates and friends in the University of Cambridge, I have launched this blog to continue translating the voices of the Japanese people on their road to recovery.
- Jun Shiomitsu -

Sunday, April 3, 2011

To not be an Indifferent Spectator

I was touched and inspired by the sight of my wife, who was born and brought up in the devastated Miyako area, working tirelessly to send incredible volumes of cookies to the children of her hometown.  I was terribly ashamed of myself for having done nothing but put some coins in the donation boxes.  I felt so passive and cold.  I need to carefully think again what it is that I can do for these people; if I don’t, I will end up being nothing but an indifferent spectator to their suffering.

(Original Japanese Text)

1 comment:

  1. this blogspot (especially this entry) put me in teary eye. :(

    I pray that all Japanese will always be strong facing this tragedy (I know Japanese are always strong and patient)

    keep posting the translations and latest news about your country and I wish you are all well and safe. :)
